Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall China Cabinet

This china cabinet is an antique we bought in Comfort, Texas a few years ago. I saw it on a trip with my Mom and then took Andy back for him to take a look at it. I didn't think Andy liked it at first, but after a few minutes of inspecting it, he said, "I'm going to make an offer". I said, "OK", but inside I was thinking, "WooooHoooo!! Yes!!! Yay!!! Yipee!!!" Needless to say, it has sentimental value.

This is the first time I've decorated it for fall, and I'm so happy with how it turned it out. It was a very busy weekend for everyone at Little Bird Cottage, hopefully I will have time to blog about it tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great one!



1 comment:

Cindy said...

Wow I love it! It's so gorgeous! I'm assuming this is the one you asked me about. To help you decide if you want the inside painted I would first try taping some colored paper (like scrapbook paper) in there. That will give you an idea if you like it or not. You could also cut cardboard and wrap it with fabric (tape it on in the back) and then just push it into place that way you can change the color as often as you like!