Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Conversation and Pizza

I guess so far this whole blogging thing is going ok. I would love to post more, and I have alot of ideas, but I am definetly kept very busy with Arden and other things (like friends, family, and taking care of home stuff). As far as the whole technical aspect of things, I guess I'm doing better than I had imagined (referring to pictures, header, etc.), but I would still like to improve with time. Maybe one day I will purchase a more beautiful web design from a graphic artist like most of my favorite blogs already have. We'll see how it goes ;) . I'm also looking for/trying to figure out the whole "graphic signature" thing. Should I be signing these blogs at the end??? Maybe I will try that today and see how I like it.

I am waiting for some free time, and also for the annuals in my front yard to start blooming and then I will put up some of pictures of my home, etc. And, I have a deseased hedge that needs some serious help--although it may only be noticable to me. Maybe that's the equivalent to having a blemish on your face that only you can spot???

On another subject; I always said that I would start cooking/eating better when I turned 30 and/or when I had a child. I said this bcs a) i've always loved to eat junk food and b) i've never been very handy in the kitchen. Well, I'm turning 30 this year, and I already have a child. I don't know if it is coincidence or fate, but each of these events has coincided with my reuniting with one of my old sorority sisters, Vanessa. Vanessa recently moved into my neighborhood, and she has given me the confidence I've needed to get started in the kitchen.

Along with starting me off with some 'easy' recipes, she has also given me lots of advice on pretty much everything from slicing and dicing to baking. Now I cook every night, which is a big achievement for me bcs in the course of 2 months I went from rarely being in the kitchen, to planning and preparing 6 meals a week. As I'm sure you can imagine, Vanessa is now Andy's favorite friend of mine. Thank You So Much Vanessa!!!!!

Anyway, she gave me this recipe and I liked it so much I had to share it with everyone. This is a Mini Pizza on a wheat tortilla. I'm realizing as I post this that the picture just doesn't do it justice--I guess black olives don't photogragh that well. You'll just have to take my word that is delish! It's perfect for a light lunch, or a snack, or maybe even a really skinny person's dinner ;) I kow this works for me bcs I have a habit of grabbing "bad things" to eat duringthe day since it's just me and Arden. But this was so easy and inexpensive to make, and you can vary the ingredients--I used black olives as my topper, but you could easily use brocolli, mushrooms, or any other favorite veggie. I think this would be fun for kids to help with, and I can't wait to make it for Arden one day. BTW, it's very low in fat since it's baked on a wheat tortilla.

Well, I'm off to start my own dinner (pot roast & mashed potatoes), so I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

"Mini Pizza"

* 1 wheat tortilla
* 1 can diced tomatoes
* shredded mozarella cheese
* topping(s) of your choice
* 2 tablespoons olive oil

-Simply brush each side of the wheat tortilla with olive oil, and lay on a cookie sheet
-Drain the diced tomatoes and spread over the tortilla to your desired chunkiness

-Cover with cheese (also to you desired amount)
-Spread your favorite topping(s) over cheese
-Put cookie sheet in oven at 375 degrees, bake until cheese is melted


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, Angela I'm soo happy that I helped you achieve your goal for the new year! You are doing awesome in the Kitchen and it's only gonna get better from here!!