Friday, September 19, 2008

Farewell Birdie Friends

It usually takes me awhile to bring out my fall decor and put away all my little birds and their nests. In Texas it's just to hot to get into the spirit of fall when the temperature is still in the 90's! But this week has brought (finally) a change in the weather (somewhat), giving us a glimpse of what hopefully will be soon to come.

So goodbye to all my little birds and their lovely nests! Fall is coming and soon it will be HALLOWEEN!!

We have finally discovered a way to enjoy dinner...although it's a little messy, it works for us!

A necklace and a shoulder bag...what a Girly-Girl!

My mom is babysitting tonight so Andy and I can go to the movies...woohoo! Have a great weekend, Everyone!!



1 comment:

Cindy said...

That bird display is so cute...that would be hard to put away! I still have nests and shells and everything summer out. It was 90 degrees today so it still feels like summer here!