Saturday, March 29, 2008

Good to be Back!

I haven't been able to post because we traveled to Austin for the week. It was kinda-sorta-but-not-really fun. It was great to be in Austin, but Arden did not adjust well at all; not wanting to sleep at night or nap during the day. She was still a little doll though and was pleasant the entire time (except for at night when she made it clear she was not going to bed). It was stressful for all of us, but we made do. I did some shopping, but certainly not enough!

I took photos of some cute little cottages in Austin's historical district. Whenever I see unique houses like these I always wonder who are the people that live in them? What are their lives like and how did they come about owning a home with so much character? HaHa--and what do they do for a living, because houses in that area are a pretty, pretty penny!!!

Well, I'm headed off to a friend's birthday dinner, so I will post more later.

1 comment:

Jen Kershner said...

Oh, love that eye candy! Your little one is cute as a bug's ear! Thanks for stopping by my place, Angela!