Monday, June 30, 2008

Ashes to Ashes, Tree to Dust

Current Mood: SAD :(

We are very sad to report that we have suffered a great loss here at little bird cottage. don't worry, it's not a family pet or anyone human. IT'S OUR TREE! the tree in the front yard contracted some sort of disease and within a matter of days turned to a dry, ashy, matchstick. i kept thinking it looked thirsty and so we kept watering it, and watering it, and watering it.
apparently this was the equivalent of giving someone with a hangover a band-aid, bcs i'm pretty sure that tree has bit the dust.

This is very depressing for us since A) this is our ONLY tree in the front yard, and B) this tree used to house a nest which was home to several birds, and C) we now have a very ugly...and very sad...and rather scary looking "has-been" of a formerly healthy oak tree right in front of our house.

When i said in my last post i couldn't wait until halloween i certainly did NOT mean i wanted a spooky tree in my yard. we are at a loss right now as to how we will handle this. i'm trying to convince myself it's still hanging on and can be helped through medication or therapy. Andrew says it's a "GONER" and we need to get out the chain saw. since we don't even own a chain saw, we won't be making drastic decisions anytime soon. in the meantime, i'm certainly not going to post any pictures of a spooky looking tree, so i thought this pic was much more appealing....

That cake is not real, but i like to PREtend that it is. i pretend that i baked it from scratch and i need to reward myself for a job well done by eating handFULs of dark chocolate. i highly recommend that you try this. pretend you've dusted your chandeliers or cleaned your toilets and now you need to REward yourself with chocolate. i've found that if you eat enough chocolate, and really stare at your chandelier, after awhile it really looks like it's just been DUSTed.

I have not however, tested this theory out with toilets. i refuse to eat chocolate in the bathroom. a girl has to have some standards, even when it comes to chocolate.

Pray for my tree.

1 comment:

Lettered Cottage said...

Hilarious post....LOVE your blog!