Friday, September 19, 2008

"Sprucing Up II"

This table in my entry way really needed some "sprucing", so I used decorator boxes to add height and depth to the display of family photos.

I'm really happy with the way it turned out and it was so easy to arrange once I found the perfect sized boxes.

Do you like this "antique white" mirror?
It used to be a TACKY GOLD mirror! I changed it's color by painting it "antique white" with acrylic craft paint. I made sure to use soft strokes, so as not to paint the entire frame one color; in order to keep it a little shabby, and dimensional. Oh, and I used a cheap brush--which I have found is really helpful when distressing things of this nature. This mirror was so happy it was no longer TACKY GOLD, I swear it almost hugged me when I was done :)

Our litttle doll, Arden has been quite a handful lately. Do the terrible 2's ever come early? Sure feels like they do! Oh well, we love her so much anyway...and she's always such a big help when I'm vacuuming the furniture.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your "sprucing" up looks beautiful.

The boxes really make a difference.

The mirror came out great.

Arden is a cutie!

Have a great weekend,