Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My new "fall" Favorite Place

Bloggers Kari & Kijsa have asked people to display their favorite places around their homes. This is my new favorite place to be, since I just got this sofa sectional last week. I don't consider myself a "sectional kinda girl", but after 3 years of not having enough comfy seating in this little room, I realized that maybe I needed to become a "sectional kinda girl". Sofa sectionals usually say MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL to me, but this one said cozy, comfy, cottage. I also changed my curtains from blue and white to "red currant", which I like to do every fall through winter and these are also my 'fall' pillows. I've now realized how wonderful it is to have these colors in this room at this time of year!

I've recently found out that this little room off of our kitchen is called a "keeping room", it's common in houses in the south. Not sure why they call it a "keeping room"...I guess in this house we are "keeping" toys? As you can see, during the day I have a great view of my backyard garden when I sit on the sectional. I'm just loving it, and I never would have thought I could love a sectional, OR a room that has TOYS in it. Guess you learn something new about yourself everyday.... ;)

Arden had her first haircut today. She was a little scared at first (ok, alot scared), but I coaxed her with some juice and that seemed to help.

The lady cut her bangs a little to short for my taste, but it's ok because Arden's hair is growing so fast these days, I know soon they will be long again.

Still can't believe I'm in love with a sectional. Don't judge!

1 comment:

{oc cottage} said...

Great room!!!!!!!!!

M ^..^